On 4th of December we researched information about the ''Comprensiorio di Punta Giglio''. We discussed how we could improve the territory to save the enviroment.
We thought about creating:
-Small paths for cycling and hiking;
- Stop stations for those who love trekking.
-Night activities, for those who want to enjoy the starry sky. We also want to take advantage of what is present to enhance Punta Giglio: -The safety of the caves present. -The reuse of military bases.
On 13th of December, during the lesson with Mrs. Carmen Sartore we watched the steps of the second phase of the project: Analize.
The Project Managers illustred to the class the division of the roles:
Coders: have to study the data journalism and to download the open datas;
Storytellers: have to take notes about what happens during the lessons and the have to collaborate with the Designers;
Project Managers: have to organize and to manage the work of the teams; they have to organize the event where we will expose our project to a pubblic;
Social Media Menager: have to manage Social Medias by pubblishing photos and videos;
Bloggers: have to elaborate the work of the Storytellers to publish it on our web site on wix.site;
Scout: they have to look for information on the internet.
Analysts:they have to rework information from Scouts;
Designers: they to create the ASOC wall project and work to the presentation with the Storytellers;
On 20th of December we started our ASOC Wall. We hung our photos with a blue background with the help of Pietro Sartore. Instead, with Mrs Carmen Sartore, we completed the part dedicated to the roles, and pasted the logo of our project, completing everything with the addition of the name of our project;
Finally, Agnese Calaresu and Federico Delogu, with the help of Mrs Cossu, learned how to download the open data, fundamental for this second step.
On 10thof January, we met Rolando Galigani, president of Italia Libera and Divo della Storia; in particular, Rolando has been studying the history of Alghero for more than twenty years, in particular of the fortifications, which date back to the period from 1933 to 1939.
Punta Giglio was equipped with a tower, called Torre Dell'Lliri, and also with a station with 4 102x35 cannons. The defense position of Punta Giglio, had been established between 1935 and 1938.
The navy had built this position on the sea and the barracks, which is still present today, even though some drawings made by soldiers who lived there were rendered unrecognizable due to vandalism. It was initially equipped with rooms and bathrooms and could accommodate up to 65/70 people.
An association from Milan, which does not care about the safety of the environment in which it would like to build, had presented plans for the construction of a hotel in what is the barracks, but their proposals have been rejected by the associations that protect the area like the WWF and the bays protector.
When the Second World War began, Sardinia was in the crosshairs of England who began to study the territory and to send two destroyers to attack it, one of the two managed to enter Porto Conte, used to be an airport, during the night and began to shoot, while the second arrived in Alghero and attacked the tower of San Giuliano; while the two boats were in Sardinia, in the peninsula other "spies", who were then captured, disembarked with black boats, looking for information related to the territory to be delivered to destroyers.
The boat that arrived in Porto Conte managed to attack the barracks;
The British and the Americans had found a stratagem to make believe that the landing would take place in Sardinia, where Mussolini sent many troops and had many boats built; therefore they managed, with the help of the intelligence services of espionage, to establish a plan, which was based on having the enemy have false documents with which to make him believe that the landing would take place in Sardinia, the documents would arrive through a corpse that had to be captured by enemies. In Sardinia there were about 15 airports with even fakes to be able to deceive the invaders.
On 21th December we met we met doc Alberto Ruiu who works for who works for the marine protected area and Mrs. Antonella Derriu who works in Porto Conte. At the beginning of the lesson, Matteo, one of the project managers, explained to them what our ASOC project is to make them participate in what we are dealing with. The two professionals, informed us on the possibility of building a refreshment point in the barracks. The experts gave us ideas on how to enhance the territory and its use through the creation of routes that allow entry to all visitors, even the disabled, recalling the controversy that arose during the past year. The experts also warned us about the various hitches that we might encounter in our ASOC path and in particular Dr. Ruiu explained to us how the planning was born on the reorganization, making the territory safe, the main reason for their visit: in October 2015 , when the tourist season was almost over, a guide was stopped at the Punta Giglio cliff with tourists who were diving and, as usual, another guide was waiting for them on a boat to bring them back to shore. At a certain point they heard a thud coming from the fall of a large boulder that broke away from the wall that had been shattered; warned the marine area, they were waiting to make an inspection but the news had now been spread on social networks. Even today, for this reason, an area wich has the size of four football pitches is not accessible, according to an order issued by the coast guard. After a few months, the coast guard granted the removal of the order; For this reason, therefore, for the Marine Protected Area and Porto Conte it was possible to present three projects regarding the reclamation of the Mugoni beach, the reorganization and safety of the Punta Giglio cliff and the Green Cave. The city of Alghero only approved the project of the Punta Giglio cliff and the Green Cave; at the same time the Sardinia region also decided to give founds to the three projects, in this way therefore there were two ministerial funding, coming from Alghero, and Sardinia region, therefore not being able to accept both, they decided to waive the funding for the Green Cave received from Alghero. For this reason, today only two projects remain: the cliff of Punta Giglio and the Mugoni beach but was later discovered that Mugoni, being a privately owned land, cannot be reclaimed with public funds but private land owners must deal with this. The park of Porto Conte intervenes again: in this way was born the second lotto and with it started the development project of Punta Giglio. Punta Giglio is identified as a SIC, or a Site of Community Importance. Each region has areas or animals, of each species that need to be protected. Spas are also described which are protected areas located along the migration routes of birds (together with birds from a specific region), aimed at maintaining and arranging suitable habitats for the conservation and management of migratory wild bird populations. In fact, the area subject to the problem of falling rocks, concerns a very large area, for this reason safety measures have been taken: a plan of the rocky area has been made, and proposals have been made at the level planning on interventions to be carried out; first among these are Sgaggi or a method to control the falling rocks in areas subject to fragmentation, forcing the detachment, usually the stocking with resin is used for this operation, which by spreading allows the rocks to detach from the wall, in the most extreme cases with small quantities of explosives. After all this the typical activities of this place, such as fishing, which can still be carried out by citizens who do not respect the environment of the area, will be able to restart. Part of the funding for Punta Giglio cliff also comes from what was intended for Mugoni, in this way it is possible to increase the area subject to reclamation that goes up to the mill located under the lighthouse tower, which belonged to the coast guard. In addition to the reclamation of the cliff, the fruition system also includes the use of buoys and the creation of docking areas for those who snorkel. For the project related to the Green Cave, the department of the environment had arranged an archaeologist who had to make a plan for monitoring the physical plans and regarding the species of the territory. For the region of Sardinia to confirm the project, what was sent with the first project was sufficient, giving the first prescriptions, also as regards the Green Cave project. Currently the second lotto has received confirmation from the region, which has listed the authorizations necessary for carrying out the project and the limits within which it is possible to act. The protocol that starts the second lotto, necessary to obtain the documentation to proceed with the development of the project, has been established.